Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask. Party tax hikes, jacking up the cost of summer fun

For many Saskatchewan families, the Canada Day long weekend is the official launch of summer with BBQs, trips to the beach and campgrounds, and summer fun. However, this year, the Sask. Party’s billion-dollar tax hike and fee increases will mean that those good times and memories will cost Saskatchewan families even more. Meanwhile, large corporations and the wealthy and well-connected will be celebrating their new tax breaks.

“The Sask. Party are forcing families to shell out more in taxes and fees,” said NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. “The Sask. Party has raised the cost on everything from camping and fishing to a case of beer.” 

Sask. Party breaking more promises to come clean about the GTH

Despite the Sask. Party’s repeated promises to be open and transparent, and almost a full year since the Auditor released her report on the Sask. Party’s GTH scandal, they are still refusing to answer simple questions or even follow through on promises to come clean.

“The Sask. Party loves to talk about being open and transparent, but to this day, we haven’t seen them back that up with any action,” said GTH Critic Cathy Sproule. “Time and time again, they have promised to open the books, and to meet with us to answer questions but, time and time again, they refuse to actually do anything. It’s long past time for them to stop hiding, and actually provide some clear and straight answers about sketchy land deals and what they’re hiding on their private email server housed at their party office.”

REALITY CHECK: Sask. Party brags about tax changes while Saskatchewan families pay more

Today, when the Sask. Party sent out a press release to brag about the half-point change in income taxes, they neglected to mention the impact of their billion-dollar PST hike that will force Saskatchewan families and businesses to pay more in taxes on nearly everything they buy, from kids clothes to insurance and even a case of beer. 

The underfunding of Indigenous students’ education must stop: NDP

This time last year, on National Aboriginal Day, the Sask. Party joined with the Saskatchewan NDP and called on the federal government to eliminate the education funding gap for on-reserve students. Instead of keeping their promise and being ‘vigilant’ with the federal government, the Sask. Party actually cut provincial funding for Indigenous students.