Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Government procurement leaving Saskatchewan workers by the side of the road, NDP calls for changes

Three quarters of the biggest infrastructure projects awarded under the Sask. Party went to out-of-province and out-of-country companies, and New Democratic Party Leader Ryan Meili is calling for changes to keep those jobs and that money here in Saskatchewan.

“When it comes to making the most out of investments in public infrastructure, the Sask. Party is shutting out Saskatchewan businesses, leaving Saskatchewan workers by the side of the road, and sending public dollars out of province and out of country that could be circulating locally,” said Meili. “These projects represent an investment of over $4 billion in other people’s economies when they could be fueling ours. Saskatchewan people and businesses should be the first to benefit from investment in our roads, schools and hospitals.”

PST on construction continues to hit building permits and construction jobs, NDP says

As the number of construction jobs and the value of building permits continue to drop in the province, the Saskatchewan NDP is calling on the government to cancel its PST hike to construction labour.

“The Sask. Party’s PST hike has hurt our construction industry and its many skilled workers,” said NDP Finance Critic Trent Wotherspoon. “With jobs and major projects at stake, the Sask. Party government needs to finally admit the damage and reverse course.”

‘Blocked more witnesses than Justin Trudeau’: NDP MLAs challenge government to allow judicial inquiry into GTH land scandal

Today, MLAs will be voting on a motion put forward by the NDP that calls for the launch of a judicial inquiry into the GTH land scandal.

“The GTH is $40 million in debt and has only sold 22 acres of land since 2013,” said NDP GTH Critic Cathy Sproule. “The only way to dig out of this mess and begin to recoup the public losses would be to lift the cloud of scandal that hangs over this project by finally calling the judicial inquiry that two Sask. Party leadership candidates once promised. The people of the province deserve to know where their money went, and why the only beneficiaries in this ordeal have been large Sask. Party donors.”

Worst in the country: NDP calls for government to lift childcare out of the 1980s

The NDP is calling Saskatchewan’s childcare access and affordability the worst in the country, as many Saskatchewan families today are struggling to find and afford space for their children.

“The income cut-off to be eligible for subsidies in Saskatchewan hasn’t been raised since 1982, and the subsidy itself hasn’t been raised since 2006,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “With $3 million less in this budget for early years learning, it seems the government only wants to spend on the province’s future when the federal government forces them to.”

NDP pushes government to fix our worst-in-Canada minimum wage formula

With Saskatchewan’s minimum wage once again the lowest in the country, after Nova Scotia hiked its by 55 cents today to $11.55 per hour, the NDP is calling on government MLAs to vote in favour of their bill to phase in a $15/hour minimum wage.

“At a time when Saskatchewan already has the lowest year-over-year change in average weekly earnings, we need to be focused on upstream solutions that will lower poverty, make life more affordable for families and boost local businesses,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “Raising the minimum wage would achieve all three.”

NDP stand against unbalanced budget

The Saskatchewan NDP is calling out the Sask. Party’s budget, which includes ballooning debt and shrinking per-student funding for education.

“This is a budget that piles on record debt, that leaves a deficit in our classrooms and that does nothing to help families or our economy struggling with the damage caused by the Sask. Party’s doubling of the PST,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “It’s clear this government is trying to balance the books off the backs of Saskatchewan people – that is completely off-balance with Saskatchewan values.”