Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

NDP highlights safety concerns raised about the Sask. Party’s Regina Bypass

Today, NDP Highways and Infrastructure Critic Buckley Belanger met with concerned Balgonie resident Jesse Edwards to discuss the safety, design and quality control of the Regina Bypass. One glaring issue is the hole in the Tower Road bridge overpass just east of Regina. There is also significant erosion taking place underneath that same overpass.

“The Regina Bypass is nothing short of a $2 billion disaster,” said Belanger. “We have overpasses that aren’t constructed to handle tractor trailers and farming equipment. We have overpasses that are literally crumbling as cars drive over them. The Sask. Party government wasted taxpayer dollars on what has now become a safety issue.”

Office of the Chief Coroner highlights challenges that have arisen from lack of resources and capacity

The former Chief of the Saskatoon Police Service Clive Weighill’s report on the Office of the Chief Coroner had a number of concerns, but the overall causes go back to the Sask. Party not providing proper funding and staffing for the office.

“We are very thankful for the work that Chief Weighill did on this file. Now, what we need from the Sask. Party is to do more than just pay it lip service,” said NDP Justice Critic Nicole Sarauer. “The proper funding and supports need to be in place for the sake of the workers in the Coroner’s Office and to ensure that investigations and inquests can be done properly.”

NDP calls for action on child poverty in northern Saskatchewan

A recent report by an anti-poverty advocacy group shows that northern Saskatchewan has the second highest child poverty rate in the country. 

“The Sask. Party has known for years that action is needed to address poverty, but they just won’t act,” said NDP Social Services Critic Trent Wotherspoon. “Instead of making the smart investments we need to reduce poverty, we’re seeing shortsighted cuts to supports for the vulnerable, like the Rental Housing Supplement, that are only going to make this unacceptable problem even worse.”

NDP calls for immediate improvements in mental health care

The provincial auditor’s report released last week further clarified the challenges facing Saskatchewan patients in accessing mental health care, stating that “long waits can lead to people’s conditions getting worse, and in some cases, waits can even contribute to death.”

Psychiatrist Sarah Dungavell, who practices in La Ronge and Saskatoon, says that “waitlists across the province remain too high and my colleagues and I are unable to see patients soon enough.”

Statement from Official Opposition Critic for Social Services Trent Wotherspoon regarding the Rental Housing Supplement

I would like to thank the Heritage Community Association, End Poverty Regina, Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry, and Poverty Free Saskatchewan for raising their collective voices today regarding the Sask. Party’s cut to the Rental Housing Supplement. This is a mean-spirited and short-sighted cut that targets those living on the tightest of margins, and I join these community leaders in calling for the Sask. Party to scrap their cut to the rental housing supplement.

Meili and Steelworkers call for pipeline expiry dates to create jobs and protect public safety

Today NDP Leader Ryan Meili and United Steelworkers Local 5890 President Mike Day called on the Sask. Party government to improve pipeline safety and create jobs by introducing expiry dates for pipelines.

“The tariffs Donald Trump is imposing on Canadian steel will have serious negative impacts on steel manufacturing jobs here in Saskatchewan,” said Meili. “We have more than 100,000 kilometers of pipelines and flowlines in Saskatchewan, and many are old and should be replaced. We saw with the Husky oil spill last year how costly spills can be, and it’s time for the provincial government to introduce expiry dates on pipelines to protect Saskatchewan water and land while also creating jobs. It's all well and good for Scott Moe to go to Ottawa and Washington, but he needs to show leadership and help workers in Saskatchewan.”