Conway reveals $790 million in waste and empty SaskHousing units amid homelessness crisis

Documents show Sask. Party quietly cut upkeep for SaskHousing units over past decade

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Housing Critic Meara Conway released new figures showing that the Sask. Party has continually and dramatically cut supports for Saskatchewan Housing for the better part of a decade. As a result, $596 million in Saskatchewan Housing units are sitting vacant, and more than $194 million has been lost on utilities, grants in lieu, and foregone rent for vacant units

“It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that more than half a billion dollars’ worth of Saskatchewan Housing units shouldn’t be sitting vacant while people across Saskatchewan sleep in back alleys,” said Conway. “These investments were made by the people of Saskatchewan, for the people of Saskatchewan. Scott Moe has run our public assets into the ground and now homelessness is out of control.”

Saskatchewan Housing Corporation Annual Reports, audited financial statements and documents obtained through FOI requests reveal that the Sask. Party government has quietly and dramatically cut supports for Saskatchewan Housing for the better part of a decade. The province’s overall contribution to the Housing Portfolio fell from 24% of total revenues in 2011 to just 2% in 2021. Conway says cuts made over the past decade represent a reduction of between $350 million and half a billion from previous levels of provincial funding. 

“The Sask. Party’s mismanagement of our social and affordable housing units affects everybody,” added Conway. “While too many go unhoused, vacant housing units are safety issues, potentially increasing crime and reducing property values. Taxpayers have missed out on over a hundred million dollars in rental revenues. Municipalities are being forced to pick up the tab. And families looking for a fresh start now have fewer affordable options to call Saskatchewan home.”


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