“It’s unacceptable that under Scott Moe, Saskatchewan continues to be dead last in the country when it comes to creating good-paying jobs,” said Beck. “Saskatchewan has so much opportunity and potential. We need to be bringing in new and emerging industries to secure good-paying jobs, not just for today, but for decades to come.”
Under Carla Beck’s leadership, the Saskatchewan NDP has focused heavily on Scott Moe’s numerous economic claims but failure to actually deliver for the people of Saskatchewan.
Statistics Canada’s latest data shows that when it comes to job creation, the Sask. Party continues to lag behind other Canadian provinces. August’s numbers represent the worst year-over-year (0.9%) job creation rate in the country. Since Scott Moe took office in February 2018, every other province in Canada has created jobs at a faster rate than Saskatchewan.
In addition to the low rate of job growth, Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate has risen for the third consecutive month to 5.4%.
“I hear from workers and job creators on a weekly basis that the Sask. Party’s failure to take action is leading to more and more opportunities leaving for other provinces,” said Young. “Under this tired and out of touch government, we’re falling further and further behind.”
This follows further news from Statistics Canada this week that the value of Saskatchewan’s building permits has continued to drop. July’s month over month numbers show that the seasonally adjusted value of building permits in Saskatchewan has decreased by $49 million, or 23.5%. Year over year, the seasonally adjusted value of building permits in Saskatchewan has decreased by $103 million or 39.2%. Compared to neighbouring provinces, Manitoba’s building permits year to date are more than double the value of Saskatchewan’s.