Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

New leaked government memo reveals critical care bypasses in four cities yesterday

ERs in an additional city faced “immediate capacity challenges and risk to safe patient care”

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck grilled Premier Moe after leaked government memos revealed critical care bypasses in four cities and hospitals in a fifth city facing capacity pressures so bad that safe patient care is being put at risk. 

Sask. NDP calls for complete cost report after Sask. Party MLA admits to more government-funded travelers on Dubai trip

Premier embarking on most expensive trip in Sask. history days after announcing $250M deficit 

REGINA - Today, the Official Opposition called on Premier Scott Moe to be straight with Saskatchewan taxpayers and commit to publishing a complete report of all costs associated with the Dubai trip. 

Scott Moe’s million-dollar Dubai trip not as advertised

Guelph U, Calgary law firm, Newfoundland Gov’t part of Moe’s not-so-Saskatchewan COP28 delegation

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Jobs and Economy Critic Aleana Young and Environment Critic Jared Clarke responded to new details about Premier Scott Moe’s COP28 delegation. Barely half of the delegation are Saskatchewan organizations.

Inflated prices for out-of-province mammogram referrals raise questions

Clearpoint subsidiary donated $19,300 to Sask. Party

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Ethics and Democracy Critic Meara Conway raised questions about the connections between the Moe government and Clearpoint Health Network. Clearpoint’s subsidiary is a major Sask. Party donor and is possibly charging the province inflated rates for mammogram referrals.

Gov’t Emails: Moe Gov’t broke the law, buried Crown reports during by-elections

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Crown Investments Corporation Critic Erika Ritchie released a series of government emails obtained via FOI request. The emails show that the Moe government delayed the publication of numerous crown corporation annual reports and quietly buried them in the middle of a by-election. 

Contracting major Sask. Party donor has worsened waitlists

Saskatchewan has the worst waits in Canada for key procedures

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Rural and Remote Health Critic Matt Love grilled the Moe government on their decision to award major donor Clearpoint/Surgical Centres Inc. with a sole-source contract for mammograms. The latest data coming out of the province’s Surgical Initiative shows that the combined waitlist for knee and hip replacements has worsened since these procedures were outsourced to Clearpoint/Surgical Centres Inc.