With no support from the Sask. Party, overcapacity continues to be an issue for patients and frontline health care workers in the Saskatoon area.
Reality Check: Wall now the only Premier still pocketing a partisan bonus
When it comes to Canadian political party leaders getting a big bonus from their deep-pocketed partisan donors, Brad Wall now stands alone.
Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable falling victim to Sask. Party cuts
Despite assurances by the Sask. Party that their cuts to the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) would not hurt those who were already in the program, the severe consequence are now showing themselves to be painfully true.
Reality Check: What do you get for supporting the Premier’s premium bonus?
Money might not be able to buy you happiness but, in Saskatchewan, it just might buy you a direct line to the Premier.
Sask. Party denies accountability, threatens Saskatchewan workers
Instead of accepting responsibility for their own mismanagement, scandal, and waste, the Sask. Party is once again attacking hardworking Saskatchewan people, including those who serve in classrooms across the province.
Sask. Party slashes another 251 jobs
The Sask. Party’s decision to throw 251 custodial workers out of work is just another example of the people of Saskatchewan being forced to pay the price for the Sask. Party’s mismanagement, scandal and waste.
“There are over 12,000 fewer full-time jobs this year compared to last and now, 251 more Saskatchewan people and their families will be struggling harder to make ends meet,” said NDP Leader Trent Wotherspoon. “Yet again, the Sask. Party is cutting first and measuring after. They don’t even know how much they’ll save – if anything at all.”