Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Moe government $1.3 billion behind projections

Sask. Party has only balanced a single budget in nine years

REGINA - Today, the Moe government announced that it is $1.3 billion behind on its budget projections and staring down a massive deficit. The Official Opposition responded by grilling the Moe government for refusing to rein in spending on international trips and costly pet projects.

Beck to fix ambulance care, reform Ambulance Act if elected

New EMS worker reports paint picture of health system in crisis

REGINA - Today, Saskatchewan Opposition Leader Carla Beck announced that, if elected in 2024, she would improve ambulance care and reform Saskatchewan’s Ambulance Act. The announcement came as paramedics and firefighters visited the legislature to advocate for change. 

Pasqua Hospital and diagnostic services at risk of bypass

Radiological technologists join chorus of health workers blasting Moe gov. this week

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Rural and Remote Health Critic Matt Love stood with radiological technologists who fear that the Regina Pasqua Hospital and its diagnostic services are at impending risk of going on bypass or being unable to continue to deliver services this winter due to staff shortages and unfilled vacancies.

New leaked government memo reveals critical care bypasses in four cities yesterday

ERs in an additional city faced “immediate capacity challenges and risk to safe patient care”

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck grilled Premier Moe after leaked government memos revealed critical care bypasses in four cities and hospitals in a fifth city facing capacity pressures so bad that safe patient care is being put at risk.