Reality Check: Sask. Party’s lack of credibility showing on federal issues
Today, yet another premier has sat down with the federal government and, by negotiating reasonably, has walked away with a good deal for their province.
Whether it’s health care, the environment, sustainable energy, or growing the economy, Brad Wall and the Sask. Party have chosen to stomp their feet, cause scenes, and have outright refused to negotiate with the federal government. And, to no surprise, the Sask. Party’s petulant actions have gotten Saskatchewan nowhere.
Concerns mounting over Sask. Party supported private plasma donation clinic
The Saskatchewan NDP is once again calling on the Sask. Party to rethink its support of the opening of a private plasma donation clinic in Saskatoon after the Canadian Blood Services recently raised a number of concerns.
“Initially there were concerns around the adverse effects the private clinic would have on a public system that should have been bolstered instead of undermined,” said NDP Health Critic Danielle Chartier. “Now, plasma donations are dropping and Canadian Blood Services no longer sees the clinic as a viable option to increase donors and has concerns that patients will be put at risk. It’s clear that the privatized option was the wrong choice from the get-go.”
Statement from Education Critic Carla Beck on the Educational Governance Review Report
We thank Mr. Perrins for the work that he and his team did on this very important initiative.
The options presented represent significant change and will have an effect on every student, parent, and teacher across Saskatchewan. I am disappointed that no option was presented to fix the system we currently have even though many believe it would beneficial to take that route. As I explained at the beginning of this initiative, I continue to be concerned that the Minister of Education is using this process as a way to fast track the plans he already has, without engaging in proper consultations.
The Sask. Party must stop the secrecy and release Husky pipeline reports: NDP
Sask. Party must now act to address asbestos concerns in our schools
With the federal government committing to ban asbestos by 2018, the Saskatchewan NDP is renewing its call for the Sask. Party to get to work addressing the issues faced by the 500 Saskatchewan schools that are on the asbestos registry, starting with those with crumbling infrastructure.