Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

New leaked government memo reveals critical care bypasses in four cities yesterday

ERs in an additional city faced “immediate capacity challenges and risk to safe patient care”

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck grilled Premier Moe after leaked government memos revealed critical care bypasses in four cities and hospitals in a fifth city facing capacity pressures so bad that safe patient care is being put at risk. 

Contracting major Sask. Party donor has worsened waitlists

Saskatchewan has the worst waits in Canada for key procedures

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Rural and Remote Health Critic Matt Love grilled the Moe government on their decision to award major donor Clearpoint/Surgical Centres Inc. with a sole-source contract for mammograms. The latest data coming out of the province’s Surgical Initiative shows that the combined waitlist for knee and hip replacements has worsened since these procedures were outsourced to Clearpoint/Surgical Centres Inc.