Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

NDP questions details of Sask. Party’s carbon tax

The Sask. Party’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may still be full of ‘to be determines’ but what’s clear is they have decided to go down the road of implementing carbon pricing while also leaving to door open to a federally-imposed carbon tax.

“It’s a little bit rich for the Sask. Party to say they don’t want a carbon tax when they’re allowing the federal government to impose one on the province and now they are looking at what is essentially a carbon pricing plan,” said NDP Environment Critic David Forbes. “Unfortunately, as with much of the Sask. Party’s plan to reduce emissions, we still don’t know what the price of the penalties will be and what they will be based on.”

NDP disappointed in Moe’s failure to commit to new statutory holiday

It was disappointing but not surprising to hear Premier Moe not commit to recognizing the new proposed statutory holiday: National Truth and Reconciliation Day. During a media conference, he said he and his government would have to consider the cost to employers would be.

“For him to say that this would be an issue of cost fails to recognize the significant ongoing cost to our province of residential schools,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “Increased health problems, higher levels of poverty, over-representation of Indigenous children in foster care – these are the real ongoing costs of the residential school legacy. Taking the time to recognize this dark period of our history is a key step to remembering our past and ensuring we don’t see similar problems in the future.” 

NDP push for better supports for victims of domestic violence

The federal government as well as other provinces in Canada are moving towards allowing victims of domestic violence paid days off. After being vocal on this issue in the Legislature and in public for many years, the NDP is once again renewing its call to pass legislation to provide this support.

“We all know that the impacts of domestic violence are devastating to the victims, which is why providing the necessary supports is so crucial,” said NDP Justice Critic Nicole Sarauer. “After seeing the steps that other provinces, and now the federal government, have taken on this file, we are hopeful the Sask. Party will follow suit and finally support the legislation we and so many others have been calling for.”

Job loss and unemployment rate rise in Saskatchewan

According to the July labour report from Statistics Canada, there are 12,300 fewer Saskatchewan jobs – 7,000 of which are full-time – compared to last month and there are 3,000 fewer jobs compared to this time last year. These jobs losses helped raise the province’s unemployment rate to 7.1 per cent, which is the highest rate in Canada outside the Maritimes and well above the national average.

“These numbers certainly are concerning for Saskatchewan people especially when it comes shortly after the announcement of major job losses at Cameco and Nutrien,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “Sask. Party decisions such as cutting $3 million out of job training and workforce development programs have impacts, and that is what we are seeing in this month’s report.”

Lack of land sales and growing debt highlight GTH Annual Report

The Global Transportation Hub’s annual report is showing major concerns for taxpayers as on top of the $150 million that has been already dumped into it, the debt level has risen to $40 million and the Sask. Party has made no land sales.

“I think the people of Saskatchewan should be concerned that the Sask. Party has so badly mismanaged the GTH with their sketchy land procurement methods that cost taxpayers millions of dollars and their lack of land sales despite constant assurances that they were going to happen,” said NDP GTH Critic Cathy Sproule. “It’s been a boondoggle and Saskatchewan taxpayers have been left on the hook to pay the tab.”