Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask. Party must stop Crown fire sale and focus on GTH dumpster fire

CIC report shows value of Saskatchewan’s Crowns while Sask. Party GTH scandal continues to grow

Today’s release of the Crown Investment Corporation (CIC) annual report once again highlighted the incredible value of Saskatchewan’s Crown Corporations. Unfortunately, instead of supporting that value, the Sask. Party is stubbornly pushing ahead with their Crown sell-off schemes while they continue to defend and deny their growing scandal at the GTH.  


REALITY CHECK: GTH taking a Mulligan? Report shows so little “progress” was made, 2015-16 “goals” are being reused this year.

One of the many, many, many (it’s shockingly bad!) problems found in this year’s GTH Annual report, is that they don’t even seem to be ashamed of their failures. 

Sask. Party must stop their plans to sell off SGI: NDP

Sask. Party sell-off negotiations are a betrayal of their commitment and duty to Saskatchewan people

Despite providing affordable insurance and returning hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue back to Saskatchewan people and even though the Sask. Party promised in the last election that they would not sell off our Crown Corporations, the Sask. Party admitted today that they are continuing with “high-level” negotiations in an attempt to sell off SGI.