Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Beck calls for Cockrill’s resignation over lie about insult to grieving mother

Pattern of lies contribute to bad blood between teachers, Sask. Party gov’t

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck called on Premier Scott Moe to fire his Education Minister, Jeremy Cockrill. Moe’s minister has repeatedly misled the public, most recently lying about an apology he did not deliver to a grieving mother whose daughter passed away.

49 emergency room nurses slam Sask. Party in letter

Poor working conditions, favouritism, $300K travel nurse pay at issue

REGINA - Today, the Official Opposition released a letter signed by 49 emergency room nurses in Saskatoon. The letter slams the Sask. Party government for failing to support Saskatchewan nurses and curb the province’s reliance on expensive out-of-province travel nurses.

Indigenous leaders call for meaningful Duty to Consult during day of action

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Critic for First Nations and Métis Relations Betty Nippi-Albright hosted a Day of Action with Indigenous leaders from Nekaneet First Nation, Yellow Quill First Nation, Waterhen Lake First Nation, Onion Lake Cree Nation, Carry The Kettle First Nation, Key First Nation and the residential school support team from Yorkton Tribal Council. Together, they continue to draw attention to the Sask. Party government’s disregard for the Duty to Consult process. 

Firefighters, families, Opposition call for Moose Jaw hyperbaric chamber reopening

MOOSE JAW - Today, the Official Opposition stood with Taylor Enns, president of the Moose Jaw Firefighters Association, and Brayden Dutchak, the son of a cancer survivor. Together, they called on the Sask. Party government to reopen Saskatchewan’s only hyperbaric chamber.

Moe’s Minister caught lying about dodgy donor deal

Records show former Sask. Party Finance Minister lobbied for Calgary surgery scheme on behalf of a major Sask. Party donor

REGINA - Today, the Official Opposition grilled the Premier and his Minister of Health after the Minister misled the public, claiming that he had not been lobbied by a former Sask. Party MLA when Saskatchewan's official lobbyist logs show the exact opposite.

Parents, Opposition speak out after gov’t fails to recruit gut doctor for kids

Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital short 15 pediatric specialists 

REGINA - Today, the Official Opposition and concerned parents sounded the alarm on Premier Scott Moe’s failing healthcare staffing plan. The Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital is short at least 15 pediatric specialists, forcing families to travel to Toronto for basic care.