Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask Party sat on its hands for weeks while Saskatchewan’s only PET scan machine closed

Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck and Health Critic Vicki Mowat grilled the Sask Party government for sitting on its hands while Saskatchewan’s only PET scan machine, used to check for signs of cancer, heart disease and brain disorders, was closed for weeks.

Scott Moe can’t find his feet to denounce Alberta’s reckless plan to pull out of the CPP

REGINA - Today, Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck called on the Premier to denounce Alberta’s reckless plan to withdraw from the Canadian Pension Plan and to stand up and protect Saskatchewan pensioners during one of the most crushing cost-of-living crisis in decades. The Premier refused to stand and take questions while his Finance Minister offered cagey and mealy-mouthed statements without committing to protecting Saskatchewan retirees and workers.

Statement from Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck on the Carbon Tax Exemption on Home Heating Oil:

Prime Minister Trudeau has singled out New Brunswick for relief but the crushing cost of living crisis doesn’t stop at the Quebec border. All Canadians have seen their costs go up. We’ve all been affected and we all deserve relief.