Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Growing number of people leaving Saskatchewan

A newly released Statistics Canada report shows that, despite the Sask. Party’s claims, today’s reality is that even more Saskatchewan people are being forced to move away to other provinces to find opportunities compared to the number of people that were leaving ten years ago.

“The Sask. Party’s heartless cuts and unfair tax hikes are making it harder and harder on young people throughout the province to find and keep steady employment,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “While other provinces are finding ways to create more jobs, the Sask. Party is letting Saskatchewan fall behind. More and more people are realising they have no choice but to move somewhere else to start their careers or support their families.”

Statement from the Leader of the Official Opposition on the verdict in the Gerald Stanley trial

Tonight, a trial that has gripped our entire province and attracted attention from around the world came to an end. But, it is as clear tonight as ever, our journey toward reconciliation is far from over.

Like many of you, my heart continues to break for Colten Boushie’s family and community. Their pain is immeasurable and incomprehensible to most of us.

Sask. Party hiding information about Boyd’s ‘special’ land deal

Documents received recently by the Saskatchewan NDP under Freedom of Information show that the Sask. Party government gave a ‘special’ land lease to Bill Boyd while he was still a member of the Sask. Party caucus. The land under lease is connected to the ongoing court case where Boyd is facing charges for breaking environmental laws. However, the Sask. Party is refusing to release any details about the ‘special’ land lease.

“Mr. Boyd was described by Brad Wall himself as being in the DNA of the Sask. Party. He has been involved in scandal after scandal from the so-called Smart Meters to the GTH and has relentlessly tried to cover up the facts and avoid transparency,” said NDP Environment Critic Cathy Sproule. “With the Sask. Party’s GTH scandal, they’ve gone to great lengths to block witnesses from testifying and avoid questions from the NDP and media. Now we’re seeing it all again, with the Sask. Party clearly refusing to release documents that should be public.”

Premier Moe brings back same cabinet that mismanaged the economy

By announcing a cabinet today that has a majority of the same ministers who presented the cruel and heartless cuts and unfair tax hikes in the most recent Sask. Party budget, Premier Moe made it clear that he is ignoring the Saskatchewan people who have been calling for something better.

"Meet the new bosses. Same as the old bosses," said Saskatchewan NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. "At a time when Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate is the highest it’s been in two decades and, for the first time in over 40 years, is as high as the national average, Saskatchewan people can't afford more of the same.”

Another Sask. Party cabinet, same lack of transparency

As we wait for the cabinet to be announced, it’s becoming clear it’s the same old Sask. Party. When it comes to transparency, for example, whether it’s releasing information about the GTH or an investigation during the election of their new leader, the Sask. Party is incapable of being open and honest with the people of Saskatchewan.

“The people of Saskatchewan want a government that is open and transparent, but it just doesn’t seem to be possible with the Sask. Party,” said Ethics and Democracy Critic David Forbes. “Even though they just chose a new Premier, they’re clearly the same Sask. Party that says one thing but does another.”

Sask. Party mismanagement causing municipal tax hikes

The people of Regina have now joined people in cities, towns and villages around the province in being forced to face yet another tax hike caused by the Sask. Party. The City of Regina is the latest municipality forced to make tough fiscal decisions in response to the cruel and heartless Sask. Party cuts.

“Cities and towns throughout the province are having their hands forced because, instead of taking responsibility for their own mismanagement of the economy, the Sask. Party has cut funding and downloaded costs on to municipalities,” said NDP Municipal Affairs Critic Nicole Rancourt. “Now it’s Saskatchewan people who are having to pay the price for that mismanagement.”