Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Most vulnerable targeted again as Rental Housing Supplement cut in Sask. Party budget

The cut to the Rental Housing Supplement in the budget shows more of the same from the Sask. Party, whose cuts continually hurt the most vulnerable in Saskatchewan.

“It is simply cruel and heartless to continue to cut programs that support the province’s most vulnerable,” said Social Services Critic Trent Wotherspoon. “The fact that the Sask. Party could cut a fundamental support, like housing, in order to make up for their mismanagement and balance the books speaks to their lack of vision, lack of compassion, and lack of planning.”

What they’re saying about the 2018 budget

It is clear the Sask. Party did not learn their lesson after last year’s disastrous budget. Premier Moe proved we will see more of the same from his government with their lackluster budget that isn’t properly funding education and is cutting services Saskatchewan residents need most.

Here is a sample of what people are saying about the budget:

Saskatchewan families still hurting as the Sask. Party budget offers more of the same

The people of Saskatchewan are still hurting from the heartless cuts and massive tax hikes made by the Sask. Party’s last budget, and now we’re seeing more of the same shortsightedness in this budget as the debt continues to pile on, funding for education still hasn’t been restored to 2016 levels and Saskatchewan people are paying more but getting less.

“When Saskatchewan people look at this budget, they will wonder where is the inspiration? Where is the hope? Where is the leadership? What this budget shows is that Saskatchewan is being kept in a railway siding, meanwhile the debt is on track to triple since 2008 and there is no investment in prosperity,” said NDP Finance Critic Cathy Sproule.

Saskatchewan lagging behind in job growth

This month’s jobs figures from Statistics Canada shows that Saskatchewan is seeing one of the slowest rates of job growth in the country, and that the Sask. Party has failed to stimulate the economy or create jobs.

“Last year, at this time, we saw a budget that hurt industries and businesses who create jobs across the province,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “Saskatchewan can’t afford to have more of the same – where job-creating industries are being hurt by tax hikes and the Sask. Party continues to make short-sighted decisions to make up for their mismanagement.”

NDP calls on Sask. Party to invest wisely in Saskatchewan people this budget

The Saskatchewan NDP is laying out its vision for what the upcoming budget should include, and it comes with a strong focus on making smart investments to grow the economy, create jobs and undo the damage the Sask. Party has done with cuts to education and the programs that help the most vulnerable. 

“What we need in this budget are the right investments that will get Saskatchewan people back to work and grow the economy,” NDP Leader Ryan Meili said. “The Sask. Party has taken a short-sighted approach in previous budgets, spending excessively on pet projects while cutting the core services that are the foundation for future prosperity. That's why we're calling on the Sask. Party to change their approach and budget with the best interests of all Saskatchewan people in mind.” 

NDP continue to push Sask. Party to provide supports for survivors of domestic violence

For the fourth time, NDP Justice Critic Nicole Sarauer is introducing a bill in an effort to provide supports to survivors of domestic violence and address Saskatchewan’s high rates which remain some of the worst in Canada.

“It’s disappointing that it has taken so many tries to get the Sask. Party to recognize the desperate need for change,” Sarauer said. “Too many throughout the province are suffering or in dangerous situations, and we can’t afford to not do everything we can to provide the proper supports to these individuals.”