School division leaders are concerned that Sask. Party actions caused the school board amalgamation feedback process to not be representative of everyone’s views.
Oil Spill and Keystone approval highlight Sask. Party pipeline failures
The Saskatchewan NDP welcomes the Presidential approval of the Keystone Pipeline. The announcement comes just a day after it was revealed the Sask. Party, once again, kept the public in the dark about another oil spill. These two events underscore the Sask. Party’s failures and total mismanagement of pipelines and highlights the consequences of that failure on both the economy and the environment.
Sask. Party cuts making overcapacity worse at Saskatoon hospitals
With no support from the Sask. Party, overcapacity continues to be an issue for patients and frontline health care workers in the Saskatoon area.
Reality Check: Wall now the only Premier still pocketing a partisan bonus
When it comes to Canadian political party leaders getting a big bonus from their deep-pocketed partisan donors, Brad Wall now stands alone.
Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable falling victim to Sask. Party cuts
Despite assurances by the Sask. Party that their cuts to the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) would not hurt those who were already in the program, the severe consequence are now showing themselves to be painfully true.
Reality Check: What do you get for supporting the Premier’s premium bonus?
Money might not be able to buy you happiness but, in Saskatchewan, it just might buy you a direct line to the Premier.