Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Statement by Nicole Sarauer on Labour Day

Today, NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer released the following statement to celebrate Labour Day:

“On behalf of all Saskatchewan New Democrats, I want to wish everyone a happy Labour Day.

“However you chose to celebrate this last long weekend of the summer, take a moment to remember all that the labour movement has won for us all – from the basic right to a safe work place to fairer pay, and parental leave. 

Sask. Party shuffle promotes scandal and desperate sell-offs

Minster who scrapped STC gets SaskTel, MLAs who blocked GTH investigation get promoted

Instead of making a change of direction, the Sask. Party’s cabinet shuffle today was further proof that they are most concerned with their own partisan self-interest and they’re not working for Saskatchewan people anymore.

“Today, the Premier used words like ‘renewal’ but made it clear that it’s still the same tired, arrogant, and out-of-touch Sask. Party of mismanagement, scandal and waste,” said NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. “No matter what the Premier is claiming, his actions spoke louder than words. By appointing Mr. Hargrave to oversee SaskTel, the Sask. Party is saying the fire sale is on; by promoting two men who repeatedly blocked our attempts to get to the bottom of the Sask. Party GTH scandal, the clear message is that loyalty to the party and covering up for scandals will be rewarded more than actually working for the best interests of Saskatchewan families.” 

Sask. Party budget failures hurt Saskatchewan families

In Saskatoon, 20 per cent more people are forced to rely on EI than this time last year

As the Sask. Party government’s focus turns to their party’s leadership race, another minister rushed out an unprepared announcement today. This time, it was the first quarter financial update and it is clear that it was written to serve the Sask. Party more than Saskatchewan people.

“You don’t need to be a financial expert to know they should not be bragging about blowing through half of the budgeted contingency fund in the first quarter of the year,” said NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. “The Sask. Party’s attempts to spin the facts would be laughable if the consequences weren’t hurting Saskatchewan families so deeply.” 

Health care back down highlights Sask. Party mismanagement

The decision announced by the Sask. Party today to back down on their funding cuts to community-based organizations in health care is another example of how little consideration the Sask. Party gave to the consequences of all of their heartless cuts.

“The fact that the Sask. Party even considered blindly cutting this crucial funding without even thinking about the consequences shows how out of touch they are and how little they are thinking about the needs of Saskatchewan people,” NDP Health Critic Danielle Chartier said. “They blew through record revenues with their mismanagement, scandal and waste, and instead of accepting responsibility and working to fix their problems, they jumped to heartless cuts, unfair tax hikes, and desperate sell-offs.”

Statement by the Leader of the Official Opposition Nicole Sarauer on the resignation of Brad Wall as Premier of Saskatchewan and Member of the Legislative Assembly for Swift Current

Leader of the Official Opposition Nicole Sarauer released the following statement about the resignation of Brad Wall as Premier of Saskatchewan and Member of the Legislative Assembly for Swift Current.