Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Throne Speech more about Premier’s legacy than Saskatchewan people

In their latest Speech from the Throne, the Sask. Party ignored the realities being faced by Saskatchewan families today. Instead of reversing the heartless cuts to education and health care, ending the unfair tax hikes, or reinstating the STC which was scrapped as part of their desperate sell-offs, the Sask. Party simply repeated old and failed campaign promises, cherry picked statistics and chased headlines. 

Sask. Party failing to take action on Mental Health care

“Our kids are literally dying as we continue to fail…” – Advocate for Children and Youth

Despite the Sask. Party’s attempts to gloss over the facts and gloat about their record on mental health care, wait times for children who need to see a child psychiatrist have grown to two years, according to the Saskatchewan Children’s Advocate. 

Statement from the Leader of the Official Opposition, Nicole Sarauer, on the Sask. Party’s decision to scrap the changes made by Bill 40

“Despite nearly a full year of the Sask. Party defending their bill to allow the sell-off of 49 per cent of our Crown Corporations, they have finally admitted what Saskatchewan people knew all along; their Bill 40 was bad for Saskatchewan. 

Sask. Party hurting families and costing Saskatchewan jobs

Saskatchewan women hit hardest with 28 per cent more forced to turn to EI this year

Numbers released today show, while other provinces saw more people finding jobs last year, Saskatchewan had the second highest growth in the number of people needing to rely on Employment Insurance. While there were three per cent more Saskatchewan people forced onto EI this year, across the country, there was an eight per cent decrease and, in Alberta, the drop was 25 per cent.

“Nobody wants to go onto EI but, month after month, we’re seeing the number of jobs in Saskatchewan go down and more and more families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “Across the country and even right next door, the number of people who need EI is going down, so there’s no excuse for the Sask. Party to be failing Saskatchewan workers so badly. It’s clear the Sask. Party is not working for the people of Saskatchewan.”

Statement by the Official Opposition Health Critic Danielle Chartier on the government’s announcement regarding mental health care

“New Democrats have long called for the Sask. Party to take the necessary action to address the challenges that countless families face when it comes to getting proper mental health supports for their loved ones.