Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

5,100 jobs lost with Sask. Party still planning to cut more

Between February and March, 5,100 jobs were lost in Saskatchewan, and more families are facing a tough reality with deep cuts, tax hikes, and more job loss looming in the Sask. Party’s budget.

“The Sask. Party's spin provides no comfort to the 5,100 more families who have lost a job this month," said NDP Jobs Critic Warren McCall. “And that spin provides no comfort to the people who work for STC or in our libraries and our classrooms, and on the frontline of health care and seniors care who know they are the target of the Sask. Party cuts. It’s especially concerning considering we’ve been hearing about job losses coming as a result of the Sask. Party’s cuts to education, libraries, and the STC in their budget.”

NDP continues to tour province, fighting to stop Sask. Party cuts

The NDP Caucus team was on the road Friday, travelling from Regina to Moose Jaw by STC to discuss and listen to the many concerns that Saskatchewan people have about the Sask. Party’s billion-dollar tax hike, and deep cuts.

“People all across the province are being hurt and have real concerns about the Sask. Party’s deep cuts and tax hikes,” said NDP Leader Trent Wotherspoon. “It’s clear the Sask. Party MLAs and cabinet have forgotten who they work for. The people we’re talking to are angry that the government is making them pay for the Sask. Party’s mismanagement, scandal and waste.”

Sask. Party silences local voices from local school boards

Even before this year’s budget, Saskatchewan’s classrooms, their teachers, students and school boards were already a favourite target of the Sask. Party for cuts and broken promises. With the changes to the Education Act proposed in the budget, the Sask. Party is seizing control of local school board budgets and silencing local voices by further eroding local decision making.

“This change is a demonstration of pure arrogance and shows how completely out of touch the Sask. Party is when it comes to what is needed in our kids’ classrooms across Saskatchewan,” NDP Education Critic Carla Beck said. “The message being sent with this budget is that the Sask. Party doesn’t want to hear from the people who work in our kids’ classrooms and they want to completely undermine any influence that parents and communities have over their children’s education.”