NDP tours drought devastated areas, calls for more action to help struggling farm and ranch families

REGINA - NDP Leader Ryan Meili and Agriculture Critic Trent Wotherspoon are touring Saskatchewan ranches and farms devastated by the 2021 drought today, along with NDP MLAs Carla Beck and Betty Nippi-Albright.

“We are touring a region that has been devastated by this drought and meeting with producers and ranchers to listen to their voices and ideas on what needs to be done to help them get through this,” said Wotherspoon. “Many farm and ranch operations are struggling to salvage whatever they can in face of an incredibly bleak situation. They need and deserve support now.”

NDP MLAs will be meeting with ranchers and producers to tour pastures and crops near McCord in the morning before heading to do the same near Rockglen in the afternoon.

“Saskatchewan’s farm families and producers have stood strong for us all throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s crucial that we work with our farmers and ranchers to fight the effects of drought and climate change both in the short and long term,” said Meili. “There is no long-term economic recovery for Saskatchewan without a thriving agriculture sector.”

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