Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

“Terrible disrepair”: NDP seeks answers on crumbling health infrastructure

The NDP released troubling findings from a Freedom of Information request that shows the Sask. Party is letting Saskatchewan people down by ignoring glaring health infrastructure issues.

“The Sask. Party wants to brag about growth, but they’ve got no plan to ensure that our healthcare system is keeping up,” said NDP Health Critic Vicki Mowat. “They’ll do everything they can to distract people from their failure to keep our hospitals running smoothly.”

NDP joins concerned Moose Jaw residents in requesting a delay in the sale of Valley View land

With tenders due in less than a month on the Valley View Centre land skirting the Wakamow River Valley, the Saskatchewan NDP is calling on the government to push pause on the sale until community and First Nations consultations can take place regarding the historical, archaeological and ecological significance of the land. 

Government, French conglomerate attempt to bypass paying Saskatchewan workers

The NDP is seeking answers as to why the Sask. Party for standing up for the French conglomerate that built the Regina Bypass instead of the Saskatchewan workers who were trying to get paid for their work on the project.

“Anytime Saskatchewan people have raised an issue with the Regina Bypass, whether it was local farmers who took exception to their land being expropriated or Balgonie citizens concerned with semi trucks being diverted to a dead-end on Main Street, the Sask. Party has always sided with the large French conglomerate over local voices,” said NDP Regina Bypass Critic Cathy Sproule. “Here is yet another case where the Sask. Party is putting their wealthy and well-connected friends before Saskatchewan people.”

NDP raises alarm over death in ER and growing wait times

After reports that a patient died in a Saskatoon emergency room because of overcapacity pressures and armed with new numbers showing Emergency Room wait times continuing to climb in Saskatoon and Regina, NDP Health Critic Vicki Mowat called today for the Minister of Health to present a plan to address the emergency.

"Frontline workers are raising the alarm that our Emergency Rooms are so overtaxed that people are dying as a result,” said Mowat. “This government’s failures are letting people down."  

Meili proposes grain drying relief for SK producers

Because the Sask. Party government has failed to act, Saskatchewan NDP Leader Ryan Meili is calling for relief for Saskatchewan producers facing steep grain drying bills. Today he wrote to the Prime Minister proposing an expedited rebate for farmers.

“This has been a wet year for Saskatchewan producers, and now they are facing high natural gas bills for grain drying because the Sask. Party failed to implement a plan to protect them from the federal backstop,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “The Premier has the power to do something about it, but he has not. That failure to take action has let down Saskatchewan producers.”