Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Reality Check: Saskatchewan needs a deal for renters, not more Sask. Party inaction

When Social Services Minister Paul Merriman meets with Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Housing Adam Vaughan today, the Canada Housing Benefit should be at the top of the agenda.

Last month, the Government of Ontario signed onto a bilateral agreement worth $1.4 billion to implement the federal government’s Canada Housing Benefit.

NDP ask Conflict of Interest Commissioner to investigate questionable GTH land lease

The NDP is raising questions about a deal a cabinet minister’s family member got on office space at the Global Transportation Hub

“Every decision the Sask Party makes at the GTH loses us money,” said NDP GTH Critic Cathy Sproule. “This latest deal needs to be properly investigated now that Colliers has assumed responsibility. We need to know how this company was identified as a possibility to lease the space, and who approved cutting the cost for the space by thirty percent.”

Sask NDP calls for government-wide digital security review and improved IT practices after eHealth breach

In the wake of recent cyberattacks against eHealth and LifeLabs, the Saskatchewan NDP is calling for a government-wide security review of Ministry and Agency sites and databases to address emerging security threats that put Saskatchewan people’s financial and health information at risk.

“What we saw in this latest breach was the predictable result of a longstanding failure to keep up with emerging threats to Saskatchewan people’s most sensitive information,” said NDP Health Critic Vicki Mowat. “There’s no ribbon cutting on making sure people’s information is secure, no big political win, so this government simply hasn’t made the data security of Saskatchewan people a priority. That needs to change.”

Sask. NDP raises concern over eHealth data breach

The Saskatchewan NDP is raising concern after eHealth Saskatchewan announced today that an unknown number of servers and files have been compromised by ransomware, as first reported by the CBC.

"People should be able to trust that their health records are secure -- that's eHealth's most important responsibility," said NDP Health Critic Vicki Mowat. "Unfortunately, the Sask. Party government is consistently failing to support eHealth's ability to deliver the results Saskatchewan people expect. It’s time for the Minister of Health to step up and show that he can and will address the ongoing issues at eHealth."

Reality Check: Sask. Party bypasses bragging about bungled Bypass

The Sask. Party recently sent a flyer to Regina voters bragging about “investing in Regina’s economy,” but the flyer made no mention of the Regina Bypass, their single biggest expense in 13 years of government.

Why didn’t they mention it? Doesn’t the Sask. Party want to claim responsibility for building the most expensive stretch of flat road in our nation’s history?

Saskatchewan Hospital issues mirrored in Yellowknife facility built by same company; NDP repeat call for Sask-First procurement, full release of facility audit

With news reports detailing major issues at the Carillion-built Stanton Territorial Hospital in Yellowknife that mirror the problems plaguing the Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford, the NDP has repeated their call for a Sask. First procurement policy and for the full release of a facility audit into the public/private build.

“This hospital, built by a massive out-of-province company, has been plagued with issues since it opened, and now we’re seeing similar problems at other hospitals involving the same company” said NDP Health critic Vicki Mowat. “Instead of putting the people of this province first by ensuring that our hospitals are built by our companies and our workers, the Sask. Party has let patients and staff down with a poorly built hospital that still isn’t fully open.”