We had no idea this was coming and it’s a huge financial impact. It’s unprecedented for the city to take a one-time hit like this.”
-Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark
“You peel back the onion and you see other things… We have some significant issues to deal with.”
-Regina Mayor Michael Fougere
A "very difficult day" for Meewasin. "A $409,000 hit to our budget is a very substantial cut."
- Meewasin Valley Authority CEO Lloyd Isaak
“It is brutal from a small business perspective.”
-Vice-President Marilyn Braun Pollon, Prairie and Agri-business, CFIB
"The government has decided to kill food tax fairness."
-Vice President Mark Von Schellwitz, Western Canada for Restaurants
"It's a huge number. It's millions and millions of dollars. So it will mean that we will lose positions — absolutely, there will be positions lost. Services for students potentially lost. We will have to look at everything we do… It will be a tough, tough year for us and tough to manage this."
-University of Regina President Vianne Timmons
"I can't side step the fact that a minus five [per cent in funding] is probably the largest single budget cut we've ever had in our history."
- University of Saskatchewan President Peter Stoicheff
"We're already at the bare bones. There's no way to escape it. There will be cuts in the classroom."
- Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation President Pat Maze
"You guys don't know what you're doing to small communities. Think about the little people."
-Cara Severson STC customer
“Your life on Earth is fragile and now to say that your life afterwards is not worthy of anything, not even worthy of a funeral service, that’s not very fair.”
- Executive Director of Saskatoon’s Friendship Inn Sandra Stack
“They are going to hurt lower- and middle-income people the most and that is not the route they should be looking at in terms of revenue generation.”
-Peter Gilmer, advocate for the Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry
With callous mean-spirited cuts to nearly everyone except the wealthy and well-connected, it’s no wonder so many, from Universities to independent businesses, are pointing out that the Sask. Party seems to have forgotten for whom they are supposed to be working.