“This was a ‘business as usual’ Throne Speech, but we all know that business is anything but usual in Saskatchewan,” said Meili. “Scott Moe spent the election campaign telling people we were out of the woods even though expert advice and pandemic modelling showed otherwise. Now the second wave is hitting us in a big way and the government is not prepared to invest in the immediate actions needed to flatten the curve.”
Meili noted that the Sask. Party’s Throne Speech announced no new supports for businesses that were already struggling before the second wave hit, and that no immediate investments were outlined to fight the pandemic.
“Businesses are being told to stay open while their customers are being urged to stay home: it’s a recipe for economic disaster,” said Meili. “Now the government’s slow and contradictory approach has left our healthcare system in chaos – and things will only get worse if we do not act immediately to flatten the curve of COVID-19.”
Meili said the Saskatchewan NDP Caucus is determined to fight for jobs, businesses, schools and health care during the first session of this new Legislative Assembly.
“At a time when people are struggling, we should be planning to invest to get through this together, not making life harder for families,” said Meili. “We need clear, consistent messaging and a real plan that helps people – instead of mixed messages and half-measures that won’t get the job done. Our caucus is determined to push for a plan that will support all of Saskatchewan.”