A critical moment: Meili calls for stronger measures on COVID-19, more accountability

Responding to new information detailing serious gaps in the Saskatchewan government’s response to COVID-19 to date, NDP Leader Ryan Meili is calling for more transparency and aggressive action to slow the spread of the virus.

“People need clear information to understand the threat of COVID-19 across Saskatchewan and to play their part in responding,” said Meili. “This is a critical moment. Together, we can have an impact on what happens in Saskatchewan, but only if our government is honest about our readiness, gives us as much information as possible and acts quickly to slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Meili outlined three measures the province needs to take immediately:

  • Expanded emergency measures, including reducing the maximum size of allowed gatherings from 25 to 5, closing non-essential businesses and providing clear physical distancing standards to protect workers in essential services;
  • Expanded testing to include people experiencing symptoms without recent travel, along with quarantine of cases and their contacts. This will require a national effort to provide more testing supplies.
  • More public information, including a full picture of what is known about the prognosis for Saskatchewan, the availability of needed medical equipment, and non-identifying details on reported cases, including age, location and ICU admissions.

“These actions can help us to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives,” said Meili. “Other provinces have already taken these steps. With our per-capita rate of infection already exceeding Ontario’s, Saskatchewan can’t just wait and see. Speed is of the essence -- that’s why we need more aggressive measures to keep people home, expand testing and provide more public information.”

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