Statement of Condolence for Kevin Phillips

Saskatchewan NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer made the following statement on the passing of MLA Kevin Phillips:

“Today, we mourn the sudden and devastating passing of Kevin Phillips.

“On behalf of the Official Opposition and all Saskatchewan New Democrats, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to Kevin’s wife April, their four children and five grandchildren, as well as their entire family during this tremendously difficult time of loss. 

“Kevin was first elected to serve the constituents of Melfort in 2011 and was re-elected in 2016. Kevin worked to serve and represent everyone in his constituency.

“Before being elected to provincial politics, Kevin served as the Mayor of Melfort, worked in business and advertising, and as a partner with the Melfort Journal. His commitment to community service was evident in his work in the Kinsmen Club of Melfort and in his service as a board member for the Melfort School Division.

“In all that he did – in the Assembly and out – Kevin brought the best spirit of our province forward on daily basis. 

“In politics, we often find ourselves on opposite sides of an issue but Kevin embodied what we’re truly here to do; to best represent our constituents and ensure they have a voice in our legislature. We should all strive to live up to the spirit of collaboration and commitment to community that Kevin lived every day.

“Our thoughts, prayers, and deepest sympathies are with all who mourn today, including the Saskatchewan Party caucus and staff for their loss of a colleague and dear friend.” 

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