“On behalf of the NDP Caucus, I am proud to join people across Saskatchewan marking the Day of Pink. It is not only a day to raise awareness but, more importantly to recommit to putting an end to bullying in our province.
“First established ten years ago in 2007 by two Nova Scotia teenagers in order to support a student being bullied at their school, the Pink Shirt Movement continues to be recognized each year to help change the culture around bullying.
“Too many of our youth remain at risk of violence and abuse at school, and many experience bullying in the workplace or in our communities. Today is a reminder that we must all take a stand and refuse to allow bullying in all of its forms including homophobia, transphobia, racism, religious bigotry and sexism, to continue in our communities.
“Beyond wearing pink today, we must continue our work every day to call out bullying wherever and whenever we see it.
“In the NDP caucus, we will continue to push for action from the government to bring an end to bullying and to implement anti-bullying measures such as giving all Saskatchewan students the right to form Gay-Straight Alliances in their schools.
“By working to bring an end to bullying, we are laying the groundwork to create safer spaces for all Saskatchewan people.”