Sask. Party must stop Crown fire sale and focus on GTH dumpster fire

CIC report shows value of Saskatchewan’s Crowns while Sask. Party GTH scandal continues to grow

Today’s release of the Crown Investment Corporation (CIC) annual report once again highlighted the incredible value of Saskatchewan’s Crown Corporations. Unfortunately, instead of supporting that value, the Sask. Party is stubbornly pushing ahead with their Crown sell-off schemes while they continue to defend and deny their growing scandal at the GTH.  


“CIC’s report summarizes what we’ve seen all week; not only do our Crowns create jobs, reduce rates, and provide quality services, they return hundreds of millions of dollars back to Saskatchewan people to pay for everything from healthcare and social services to education and roads,” said NDP CIC Critic Carla Beck. “The Sask. Party need to read the report, listen to the people of Saskatchewan and stop their schemes to sell off Saskatchewan’s Crown Corporations.”

This week, without the media advisories, technical briefings, press releases, and ministerial press conferences that other reports received, this year’s GTH annual report was also released. In stark contrast to CIC, the GTH’s report shows the growing cost of the mismanagement, scandal, and waste at the Sask. Party’s GTH. Despite budgeting for over $15 million dollars in revenue and a surplus of over $4 million, the GTH fell $10 million short of their planned land sales and ran a deficit of over a million.

“From their refusal to listen to Saskatchewan people and good common sense when it comes to not selling off our Crowns or it’s continued to try to cover up the growing Sask. Party GTH scandal, it’s clear the Sask. Party have forgotten who they are supposed to be working for,” said Beck.

In reaction to the release of the GTH report, NDP GTH Critic Cathy Sproule sent a letter to the Sask. Party Minister responsible Jeremy Harrison, asking that he immediately make good on his commitment to hold a public committee meeting to answer questions related to the scandal, mismanagement and waste at the GTH.

“The Sask. Party needs to stop working so hard on their fire sale of the Crowns that belong to all Saskatchewan people and start cleaning up the dumpster fire of that they created themselves at the GTH,” said Sproule.


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