Saskatchewan down 1,800 jobs

Today’s jobs numbers from Statistics Canada show Saskatchewan in last place with 1,800 fewer jobs compared to the same time last year. Saskatchewan was the only province other than Newfoundland and Labrador that didn’t see any job growth. 

“Month after month, Saskatchewan continually lags behind other provinces in job growth,” said NDP Critic Vicki Mowat. “With fewer jobs in Saskatchewan, and the Sask. Party’s $3 million cut to job training and workforce development programs in the budget, more and more families are struggling and people are forced to look for opportunities outside of the province.”

While neighboring provinces all saw job growth, Saskatchewan remained the only Western province to see the number of people working decline. To the West, Alberta’s unemployment rate dropped by 21 per cent since this time last year, while over same time period Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate grew to 7.1 – the highest outside of Atlantic Canada. Over the past year, 3,500 jobs were lost in trade and 6,400 jobs were lost in professional, scientific and technical services.

“These numbers show that the Sask. Party’s shortsighted approach isn’t working for Saskatchewan families, or for our economy,” said Mowat. “Other provinces are choosing to make smart investments in people that drive economic growth, but the Sask. Party is underfunding and cutting things like healthcare, education and supports for the vulnerable. With growing unemployment and fewer people working, these numbers should be a wake-up call for the Sask. Party to change course.”

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