Sask. Party hiding its track record on pipeline inspections

In a response to an NDP Freedom of Information request, the Sask. Party has flat-out refused to share the results from on-site tests and inspections of Husky pipelines since 2011.

“What does an on-site inspection of a pipeline near Swift Current in 2012 have to do with a pipeline leak near Maidstone in 2016?” asked NDP Leader Trent Wotherspoon. “What is the Sask. Party hiding? What possible justification could they have, especially in light of the recent oil leak, for rejecting transparency and dodging its responsibility to be open and upfront with the public on the fundamentals like protecting our drinking water and demonstrating the integrity of Saskatchewan pipelines?”

The NDP has filed a request for the refusal to be reviewed by the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner.


“Time and time again, we have seen the Sask. Party refuse to provide the people of Saskatchewan with the full story – we saw it with how they hid the truth of their growing deficits and bloated debt and the GTH land scandal. We saw it when the Husky leak fist happened – they took days to tell anyone anything – and now we’re seeing it with the pipeline inspection,” Wotherspoon said. “The people of Saskatchewan deserve to know how this government is protecting the water they drink and the land they live on. This stubborn refusal by the Sask. Party is really disappointing and not at all acceptable.”

The provincial auditor has also been critical of the government’s efforts in regulating pipelines, as noted in her 2012 and 2014 report.

Last year, the government of Saskatchewan only conducted 78 pipeline inspections. In comparison, Alberta conducted more than 2,000 during the same year. 

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