Sask. NDP Calls on Sask. Party to reverse cuts to Yorkton Lab Services

YORKTON - Today, Official Opposition Health Critic Vicki Mowat joined with health care workers calling for the microbiology services to be reinstated at the Yorkton Hospital. 

Despite assurances from Yorkton’s Sask. Party MLA that there was no intention of pulling services out of Yorkton and that the situation would ‘soon be rectified,’ employees have learned that the hospital laboratory has been turned into a break room. This is another blow to regional health services in Yorkton in recent years, including a loss of pediatric services in 2019

“The Sask. Party government has become shameless in closing rural and regional health services,” said Mowat. “This lab once had microscopes - now it has microwaves.”

Mowat highlighted an all too familiar pattern with Sask Party MLAs taking rural Saskatchewan for granted. “They’ve ignored the needs of this community, all while trying to quietly slash services and good-paying jobs in Yorkton. The jig is up.”

The Yorkton microbiology lab was used to diagnose critical illnesses such as staph infections, sepsis, meningitis, and postoperative infections. Without the lab, it is harder to identify best treatment options for patients and could result in delays in treatment and diagnosis that could be life-threatening. 

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