Statement by NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer to mark Remembrance Day

“Today, New Democrats across the province join with all Canadians in honouring the women and men who have selflessly sacrificed and served our country. Though we should strive to pay tribute to their sacrifice all year long, it is on this day that we collectively take time to show that we shall never forget.

“Our thoughts and gratitude are with those who never made it home, those who came back injured – in body, mind, or spirit – and those who are serving our country today. We honour their families as well.

“As we look at the world around us and see the forces of hate still trying to build momentum, let us reflect on our sacred obligation to the women and men who fought for our country and on the values we continue to send our daughters and sons into danger to fight for. 

"We know that too many paid too high a price in the name of these values. We must honor them by doing all that we can to build toward strengthening hope, freedom, peace, and equality.

“On this day, let us honour our veterans and let us recommit to standing up every day – in our own way­s – and working together to build a better future worthy of their sacrifice.

“Lest we forget.”

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