For two days in a row, the Sask. Party have called on journalists to gather around and listen while a Minister stands – somehow with a straight face – and tries to pretend it’s big news that they have left one of the programs that provides people living on low incomes with discounted bus passes at the same level as the last three years.
It’s encouraging that the Sask. Party are finally recognizing the importance for Saskatchewan people to have access to transit to “search or travel for work, attend health care appointments, and attend to other critical daily needs” but it’s strange given how much the Sask. Party cut from that same goal this year.
The funding announced yesterday contrasts with a $750,000 cut to transit funding for 4,000 Saskatchewan people living with disabilities, ignores the reality of Sask. Party cuts and increased bus fares, and will do nothing to help anyone from outside of Saskatchewan’s urban centers. It will also do nothing for anyone across the province was left stranded by the Sask. Party’s rushed decision to scrap the STC.
Neither the Minister nor any of the Sask. Party MLAs who have been paraded out have been able to say why the Sask. Party has no interest in helping any of those Saskatchewan people “search for or travel to work, attend health care appointments and to attend to other critical daily needs.”
Clearly, the Sask. Party has forgotten who they are supposed to be working for.
If the Sask. Party truly cared about providing transportation to Saskatchewan people, instead of holding empty press conferences, they would reverse their cuts and restore STC.