REALITY CHECK: On potash, Wall’s record speaks louder than words

Upon news of the possible merger between Potash Corp. and Agrium, Brad Wall assembled journalists to apparently say for the record that he is concerned about the potash industry and jobs. But, if you actually check the record, you’ll see that he and the Sask. Party have not actually protected either.


The Sask. Party has stood back and done nothing to protect the Saskatchewan Potash industry in the face of the most significant threat to it; the contentious Yancoal mine which could hand over control of the industry to a state-owned corporation from China – one of our biggest Potash customers.

It would damage the industry and cost Saskatchewan jobs. Those unemployed workers would be added to the growing number of Saskatchewan people thrown out of work under the Sask. Party’s watch. In fact, as of July, unemployment had increased by 5,600 people since just one year earlier. 

Despite picking up a new toy (Waylon Jennings’ Cadillac El Dorado), clearly, from oil spills to making callous cuts to supports for Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable, Brad Wall has had a rough summer and we understand why he wants to talk about anything else. We just wish, instead of shoveling fertilizer, he would actually DO something. 

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