Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask. Party ignores reality as thousands of full-time jobs are lost

Significant losses in key industries such as construction, agriculture, real estate, and the resource sector lead the way as Saskatchewan people were forced to deal with the reality of 12,400 fewer full-time jobs this year than last. According the Statistics Canada’s Labour force survey, release this morning, 2,600 of those jobs were cut in just last month.

Sask. Party plows ahead with more health care cuts

Today, with the release of their rushed health care report, the Sask. Party announced the next phase of their cuts. Communities across Saskatchewan have already been forced to struggle without adequate health care services and at least 90 front front-line care positions have already been cut from Regina and Saskatoon. Today’s announcement to scrap the 12 existing health regions down to one, will do nothing to undo the damage already caused by the Sask. Party’s mismanagement, scandal, and waste.

Reality Check: Sask. Party’s lack of credibility showing on federal issues

Today, yet another premier has sat down with the federal government and, by negotiating reasonably, has walked away with a good deal for their province.

Whether it’s health care, the environment, sustainable energy, or growing the economy, Brad Wall and the Sask. Party have chosen to stomp their feet, cause scenes, and have outright refused to negotiate with the federal government. And, to no surprise, the Sask. Party’s petulant actions have gotten Saskatchewan nowhere.