Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask. Party needs to show their work on STC sell-off

Months after the Sask. Party scrapped the Saskatchewan people’s crown corporation that tied the province together with essential bus and delivery service, they are still refusing to come clean about how much the rushed shut-down and sell-off of STC is costing Saskatchewan people.

Even while announcing today that the rest of the STC assets had been sold off, the Minister responsible refused to provide any details. 

REALITY CHECK: While the Sask. Party denies the facts, wait times are getting worse

The Sask. Party’s own government numbers show that the wait times for specialists and surgeries in Saskatchewan are still getting longer. Not wanting the facts to get in the way of a good story, the Sask. Party chose to cite the Fraser Institute today in a government press release that contradicts what government experts know to be true. 

REALITY CHECK: Who’s the Sask. Party working for, anyway?

Government staff is paid by Saskatchewan taxpayers to work for Saskatchewan people. But, it was revealed yesterday in the media that the Premier’s Chief of Operations asked government officials to use their work hours on the public dime to do some research for her so she could use her Office at the Legislature to help a candidate in the Sask. Party leadership race. 

Session ends with Sask. Party still dodging accountability

As Premier Wall leaves the Legislature for the last time as Premier, he leaves a Sask. Party government that continues to make Saskatchewan people pay for Sask. Party mismanagement, scandal and waste.

“We congratulate the Premier for his many years of service to the province and wish him well in whatever comes next,” said NDP Leader Nicole Sarauer. “The end of session and the changes happening in the leadership of our parties, don’t change the struggles being faced by Saskatchewan people and they don’t change our resolve to keep fighting for those people against the Sask. Party’s heartless cuts and unfair tax hikes.”