Noting that Saskatchewan continues to have the highest rate of domestic violence among the provinces, the NDP used the Official Opposition’s first opportunity to focus the debate in the House to draw attention to and seek solutions for the tragic reality.
Overcapacity in Saskatchewan hospitals continues to be a problem
While rural hospital services are being cut, hospitals in both the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region and Saskatoon Health Region are continuously being stretched to their limits and the Sask. Party is offering no solution in sight.
Sask. Party uses their own mismanagement as excuse to break promises to auto injury victims
After committing in 2015 to help victims of auto injuries, the Sask. Party is now back tracking. It’s the Saskatchewan people who will pay the price with less access to the appropriate coverage they were promised.
Children’s Advocate Report shows Sask. Party failing on youth justice
A special report on a death in a provincial youth correctional facility was released by the Saskatchewan Children’s Advocate Wednesday and it outlined a number of Sask. Party failures on the treatment of young people in the correctional system.
Sask. Party backtracks on teacher’s CBA; refuses to fully fund increases
For the first time, the government is refusing to fund the cost of the duly bargained teachers’ agreement.
Gender and sexual diversity alliance legislation needed: NDP
Many positive steps have been taken to strengthen the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQ2 community in Saskatchewan in the last number of years, but much more can be done. NDP Diversity, Equality and Human Rights critic David Forbes notes that one important step would be to support Saskatchewan youth by providing legislation to enshrine Gender and Sexual diversity Alliances (GSAs).