The Sask. Party have broken their promise to seniors and, instead of making life more affordable, they've cut supports, hiked the rents in long-term care, and are desperately selling off public seniors' homes.
Saskatoon unemployment highest in more than two decades
Saskatchewan only province outside Atlantic Canada with higher unemployment than last year
While the Sask. Party continue with their callous cuts, unfair tax hikes and desperate sell-offs more and more Saskatchewan people are losing their jobs and looking for work. The unemployment rate rose again this month to 6.6 per cent and, even as the Sask. Party are still promising to cut more jobs, over 40,000 Saskatchewan people are already unemployed.
Sask. Party eliminate support for seniors living with disabilities
With their latest cold and heartless cut, the Sask. Party are eliminating a provincial support for seniors living with disabilities. Despite holding a press conference earlier this week on changes to income assistance, the Sask. Party made no mention of their plan to eliminate Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) supports for Saskatchewan seniors as soon as they become eligible for Old Age Security (OAS).
REALITY CHECK: Sask. Party jump the shark on ‘capital flight’, refuse to let the facts get in the way of their argument
Would you take economic advice from someone who lost 40 per cent of his investor’s money in just 6 months?
Sask. Party must come clean about plans to sell-off senior’s housing
The Sask. Party’s plans to sell-off affordable housing units for seniors in rural Saskatchewan is the latest in their desperate search for short-term cash grabs.
REALITY CHECK: Sask. Party bypasses Saskatchewan farmers' needs with $2 billion boondoggle
The Sask. Party and the foreign conglomerate they hired to build the Regina bypass can boast all they want but, when the rubber hits the road, it's Saskatchewan farmers who know what they need and, along with truck drivers, they're speaking out and saying that the bypass roundabout is too small and too hard to navigate.