Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask. Party cuts costing Saskatchewan people jobs

Saskatchewan one of only two provinces with fewer jobs this year than last

Saskatchewan once again fell behind nearly all of Canada as one of only two provinces to have fewer jobs last month than the same time last year. The latest labour force statistics showed that 1,400 fewer people were able to find work in September 2017 than a year earlier.

“While other provinces are growing, the Sask. Party’s approach of heartless cuts and unfair tax hikes is holding the province back from the economic growth we need,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “When Saskatchewan is one of two provinces that saw their employment rates drop over the last year, it’s not hard to see that the Sask. Party is not working for the people of the province.” 

Sask. Party caught scheming with private information and partisan e-mail account

Despite promising to stop using his partisan e-mail account for government business, it was revealed this week that the Premier is not only still using this account but, at least once, he used it to strategize about the Sask. Party’s GTH scandal and discuss information that he should not have legally had access to.