Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

NDP calls on Ministry of Energy to get their audits in order

The Provincial Auditor’s recent report highlighted many concerning findings, but one of significant concern is a backlog of audits on non-renewable potash and uranium royalty and tax returns. The Ministry of Energy and Resources is up to five years behind on its potash audits and four years behind on uranium audits. As of December 2018, the ministry hasn’t completed audits on 85 producer returns from before 2016.

“It’s deeply concerning that the government has let this backlog pile up,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “It’s important these audits are completed on time to ensure that we’re getting a fair return for our resources. We’re losing out on collecting precious dollars that could be used to fund other projects that would create good jobs, like addressing our infrastructure deficit and transitioning to clean energy.”

NDP calls for action in response to health failures highlighted in auditor’s report

The Provincial Auditor’s 2019 Report, released today, highlights significant problems in the Sask. Party government’s handling of its largest portfolio, health. The NDP Opposition is calling on the government to provide Saskatchewan people the assurance they need that our public healthcare system is a priority.

Specifically, the report points to significant issues with the awarding of millions of dollars of public contracts to vendors funding travel junkets for eHealth employees responsible for awarding contracts, a growing health infrastructure deficit, and gaps in monitoring the prescribing and dispensing of opioids.

NDP seeking feedback on state of education in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan NDP Education Critic Carla Beck is looking to hear from teachers, educational assistants, staff, parents, administrators, and anyone else who cares about the future of the province’s education system. Today, Beck announced the launch of the Brighter Future education survey, seeking the input, ideas and experiences of Saskatchewan people regarding the state of our classrooms.

“We know that our classrooms are increasingly complex and under-resourced, and that’s taking a toll on staff, students and parents all across the province,” said Beck. “We want to hear from people what they’re experiencing and what Saskatchewan should be doing to build a brighter future for all of us.”

‘Sign of desperation’: NDP calls on government to finally concede that only a judicial inquiry will clear the air on the GTH

Ballooning debt, sketchy land deals, and a massive severance package being paid out to a fired CEO all underscore the degree to which the Global Transportation Hub has become a millstone around the Sask. Party’s neck, according to the Saskatchewan NDP, who believe only a judicial inquiry will clear the air.

“The Sask. Party has really dropped the ball on the GTH,” said NDP GTH Critic Cathy Sproule. “Millions of public dollars have been wasted in the process. We know why the government wants to move away from this fiasco as quickly and quietly as possible, but for the sake of transparency we need to shine a light on what happened.”

NDP calls for universal coverage for Mifegymiso in the only province that doesn’t offer it

With Manitoba announcing it will provide full coverage for Mifegymiso, Saskatchewan is now the only province in the country that doesn’t, which is something the NDP believes needs to change.

“This Sask. Party government has stalled on providing coverage for this important and cost-effective drug at every turn, and now Saskatchewan is at the back of the pack,” said NDP Health Critic Vicki Mowat. “The evidence is clear that it’s cheaper and safer. And the need is there, especially in rural and remote parts of the province, but still this government resists providing better access for women. Instead of leading, we are once again falling way behind.”  

Two years after STC shutdown, NDP highlight the damage and call for re-establishing lost services

On the two-year anniversary of the Sask. Party government’s sell-off of the publicly owned Saskatchewan Transportation Company, NDP Leader Ryan Meili is calling for a full audit of the impact the closure has had on Saskatchewan residents, and reiterating his party’s commitment to re-establishing transportation and freight services in the province.

“STC was a valuable service that knit our province together,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “For many people across Saskatchewan, it served as everything from a ride to a medical appointment to a courier for farm equipment. It was a vital part of their everyday lives. By treating the STC as a business rather than an essential service, the Sask. Party failed Saskatchewan people and betrayed their trust.