Would you take economic advice from someone who lost 40 per cent of his investor’s money in just 6 months?
Sask. Party must come clean about plans to sell-off senior’s housing
The Sask. Party’s plans to sell-off affordable housing units for seniors in rural Saskatchewan is the latest in their desperate search for short-term cash grabs.
REALITY CHECK: Sask. Party bypasses Saskatchewan farmers' needs with $2 billion boondoggle
The Sask. Party and the foreign conglomerate they hired to build the Regina bypass can boast all they want but, when the rubber hits the road, it's Saskatchewan farmers who know what they need and, along with truck drivers, they're speaking out and saying that the bypass roundabout is too small and too hard to navigate.
New Sask. Party tax hits families, producers and small business owners
Tomorrow, Saskatchewan families, producers, and small business owners will be hit by the latest of the Sask. Party’s unfair tax hikes – a new tax on insurance. Meanwhile, the Sask. Party’s corporate, wealthy, and well-connected friends will continue to reap the benefits of their $100 million tax giveaway.
Another jobs report shows Saskatchewan losing the jobs people need, while the Sask. Party fails to do theirs
Yet another Statistics Canada report has highlighted the Sask. Party's failure to protect and create jobs in Saskatchewan.
Newfoundland and Labrador was the only other province that did not benefit from a Canada wide upswing in the number of people with jobs. In fact, the Payroll Employment Earnings and Hours report shows that there are currently fewer employees in Saskatchewan than any time in the last five years.
Sask. Party appoints Grant Devine to U of S Board of Governors
Troubling trend of Sask. Party partisan appointments continues
The Sask. Party’s decision to appoint former Premier Grant Devine to the University of Saskatchewan’s Board of Governors is the latest in a series of crass partisan appointments made by the Sask. Party to their donors, supporters, and well-connected friends.