Today, when the Sask. Party sent out a press release to brag about the half-point change in income taxes, they neglected to mention the impact of their billion-dollar PST hike that will force Saskatchewan families and businesses to pay more in taxes on nearly everything they buy, from kids clothes to insurance and even a case of beer.
Hundreds of education jobs eliminated with more cuts to come
As a result of Sask. Party cuts, hundreds of teachers and support workers have already been told their jobs have been eliminated from Saskatchewan schools and, with only half of the province’s school boards reporting how the Sask. Party’s budget cuts will affect them, there are even more job cuts to come.
Reality Check: Sask. Party responds to Indigenous issues with silence and excuses
Every day this week, we raised some of the issues facing Indigenous peoples in Saskatchewan and called on the Sask. Party to act.
The underfunding of Indigenous students’ education must stop: NDP
This time last year, on National Aboriginal Day, the Sask. Party joined with the Saskatchewan NDP and called on the federal government to eliminate the education funding gap for on-reserve students. Instead of keeping their promise and being ‘vigilant’ with the federal government, the Sask. Party actually cut provincial funding for Indigenous students.
Highway of Tears safety investments highlight dangers of Sask. Party cuts: NDP
As people across the country celebrate National Aboriginal Day, Nicole Sarauer, the newly-elected Leader of the Official Opposition called on the Sask. Party to stop the harmful cuts that are hurting Indigenous peoples.
NDP calls on Sask. Party to finally apologize for Sixties Scoop
On the eve of National Aboriginal Day and two years after the Sask. Party committed to apologize for Saskatchewan’s role in the Sixties Scoop, the NDP is renewing the call for the Sask. Party to finally keep their promise to Indigenous peoples and Sixties Scoop survivors.