Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

NDP presses Sask. Party for details of secret SaskTel sell-off scheme

The Saskatchewan NDP is calling on the Sask. Party government to fully comply with the recent ruling of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and finally release all the details of their secret SaskTel sell-off scheme. 

Today the Speaker also ruled on a question of privilege submitted by Finance Critic Trent Wotherspoon asking the Speaker to determine whether House Leader Jeremy Harrison misled the House when he said, “what I can reiterate, Mr. Speaker, is that there have been no formal discussions as to what a transaction may or may not look like, and there have been no formal offers.”

‘What has Moe done for us lately?’: Throne Speech letting people down

Education and healthcare neglected in Throne Speech, NDP says

Today’s Throne Speech shows that Scott Moe is again letting people down by failing to address the crisis in Saskatchewan classrooms and emergency rooms. The speech relies heavily on pointing to increased investment since 2007, while ignoring recent cuts and failures.

“Parents expect a government that has a plan to deal with their child’s overcrowded classroom,” said NDP Leader Ryan Meili. “Families worry that they’ll be facing long wait times and hallway medicine in our hospitals. This Throne Speech makes it clear that Scott Moe doesn’t care about the significant challenges we’re seeing in his two largest areas of responsibility: health care and education.”

NDP calls on government to reverse its decision to kill the Saskatchewan solar industry

NDP Leader Ryan Meili has called on Premier Scott Moe to reverse today's cut to the net metering program and immediately return to the previous 1:1 net metering credit rate.

Moe announced today his government would be eliminating the rebate from their net metering program and slashing the excess power credit rate from 14 cents per kilowatt hour to 7.5 cents.