Saskatchewan NDP Caucus

Sask. Party cuts target programs and services for seniors

As the consequences of the Sask. Party’s near decade of wasting the economic boom continue to roll out in the form of cold-hearted cuts to the province’s most vulnerable, the seniors served by Saskatoon Council on Aging learned today that they are the most recent to be forced to pay for the Sask. Party’s waste and mismanagement. 

While the Sask. Party spins, Saskatchewan unemployment continues to rise

Close to 10,000 more people in Saskatchewan were out of work and looking for a job last month than were a year ago. Statistics Canada and the Saskatchewan Labour Force Survey released their latest numbers today and it is clear that the Sask. Party’s continued mismanagement of the economy is costing working people their jobs.

Sask. Party mismanagement and underfunding leads to healthcare cuts

After nearly a decade of the Sask. Party blowing through surpluses, the Rainy Day Fund, and record resource revenue, the last several months have been marred by example after example of ways the government is forcing Saskatchewan people to pay for Sask. Party mismanagement. The latest came yesterday when the Saskatoon Health Region announced they will be forced to lay-off frontline healthcare staff and still be left with a $30 million deficit.