NDP questions details of Sask. Party’s carbon tax

The Sask. Party’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may still be full of ‘to be determines’ but what’s clear is they have decided to go down the road of implementing carbon pricing while also leaving to door open to a federally-imposed carbon tax.

“It’s a little bit rich for the Sask. Party to say they don’t want a carbon tax when they’re allowing the federal government to impose one on the province and now they are looking at what is essentially a carbon pricing plan,” said NDP Environment Critic David Forbes. “Unfortunately, as with much of the Sask. Party’s plan to reduce emissions, we still don’t know what the price of the penalties will be and what they will be based on.”

The Sask. Party’s inability to come up with a made-in-Saskatchewan plan is already costing Saskatchewan $62 million in federal funding.

“The mismanagement of the Sask. Party has cost Saskatchewan taxpayers time after time,” Forbes said. “Whether it’s the GTH scandal where Saskatchewan people were forced to pay millions of dollars more for land or the Boundary Dam boondoggle that’s causing power bills to rise. This slow walk of their carbon pricing plan is shaping up to cost Saskatchewan people as well.”

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