More Saskatchewan families hurt by job loss

Saskatchewan one of only two provinces to see a drop in number of people with jobs

Saskatchewan families and workers are finding it harder and harder to get by due to the Sask. Party’s heartless cuts and harmful tax hikes, but now, according to the latest report from Statistics Canada, it’s clear they are finding it harder and harder to find and keep steady employment as well.

“The Sask. Party needs to start understanding what’s happening in the lives of real people. There were 3,400 fewer people working in Saskatchewan last month than a year ago. Even more upsetting, 3,300 of them are women,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “Last month we learned that 28 per cent more Saskatchewan women are relying on Employment Insurance and now we see the problem is getting worse, not better. The Sask. Party’s priority should be creating and supporting an economic environment with more jobs and one where women are not pushed to the sidelines.”

The jobs report showed the consequences of the Sask. Party’s attack on health care and education. Health care and social services saw a drop of 4,600 jobs compared to last year while education services saw a drop of 2,100 jobs.

The damage caused by the Sask. Party’s PST hike to businesses in Saskatchewan was made clear by the drop of 1,900 people working in food services.

Other troubling numbers in the report included a drop of 3,400 jobs in agriculture since last year, 5,100 fewer youth working in the province, and the fact that the First Nations unemployment rate is still sitting at an abysmal 20 per cent. The on-reserve unemployment rate is even more worrying.

“The fact that Saskatchewan is one of only two provinces to experience job loss over the last year, it couldn’t be more clear that they are part of the problem, not the solution,” Mowat said. “The Sask. Party should be creating opportunities in Saskatchewan instead they’re failing so many people in many different sectors.”

“The Sask. Party’s heartless cuts, unfair tax hikes, and desperate sell-offs are hurting Saskatchewan’s economy and making it harder for people to find and keep a steady job.”

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