Moe’s promises would mean cutting 1,100 more jobs

The Sask. Party’s bad management of the economy has left Saskatchewan people hurting but, instead of promising to fix the Sask. Party’s policies that led to Saskatchewan now having the worst job creation in the country, Premier-designate Scott Moe promised during his campaign to cut more than 1,100 Saskatchewan jobs.

“Last year, Scott Moe supported and voted for all of the Sask. Party’s heartless cuts, and now, he says he will deal with the growing deficit and debt by throwing more than 1,100 Saskatchewan people out of work,” said NDP Jobs Critic Vicki Mowat. “After three years of seeing less and less employment in Saskatchewan, the Premier-designate’s focus should be on getting Saskatchewan people back to work, not cutting even more jobs.”

During the Sask. Party’s leadership campaign, Scott Moe promised to cut an additional 5 per cent of the workforce in Saskatchewan’s Crowns and government. That cut would result in 1,100 people losing good, family supporting jobs. This promise is on top of the 3.5 per cent that the Sask. Party is still trying to cut from the public service.

At the same time, healthcare centres are already understaffed and there are fewer teachers in Saskatchewan schools even though there are more students. Saskatchewan’s unemployment rate is the highest it’s been in two decades, and for the first time in over 40 years it is higher than the national average.

“The lack of jobs has already led to a 50 per cent jump in the number of Saskatchewan people leaving the province compared to 10 years earlier. Cutting another 1,100 jobs will only make this worse,” Mowat said. “The Premier-designate says he wants to grow the population but more Saskatchewan people are moving out of the province. To keep people here at home, we need the government to stop cutting jobs and start helping people find and keep steady, family supporting jobs.”

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