Meili calls on Moe to introduce paid sick leave in Saskatchewan to protect workers and contain COVID-19 variants

REGINA - With the vast majority of outbreaks in Saskatchewan linked to workplaces and Saskatoon on “red alert” for COVID-19 variants, NDP Leader Ryan Meili called on the Premier today to enact paid sick leave in Saskatchewan.

“Syed Ali, Vic Thundershild, Matthew Cardinal. Too many people are contracting Covid-19 at work and either losing their lives or becoming so sick they barely make it through and will have to deal with the lasting health effects for years to come,” said Meili. “Right now there are people all across this province who may be showing symptoms and are having to make the choice between  going into work so they can pay the rent or staying home and keeping themselves and others safe. That is not a choice that anyone in this province should have to make.”

Unions, doctors and public health officials have all called for paid sick leave in Saskatchewan. 

“Today is the Day of Mourning. We mourn the dead and fight for the living,” said Meili. “Right now, the best way to fight for the living is to provide paid sick days to keep families whole and workers safe.”


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