Jobs Numbers Show Moe (still) has the Worst Job Creation Record in Country

REGINA - Today's jobs numbers show 6,200 jobs were lost in January. These numbers hammer home - again - that Scott Moe is dead last when it comes to job creation since he became premier in February 2018.

"Another month and another reminder that Scott Moe and the Sask Party have the worst job creation record in the country," said Official Opposition Economy and Jobs Critic Aleana Young. "This tired and out-of-touch government is failing to create jobs, failing on healthcare, and failing on the cost of living."

Not only did Scott Moe’s Sask Party lead the national rate of job losses, the labour force decreased by 8,300. While this leads to a lower unemployment rate, it’s a result of Saskatchewan residents leaving the province or giving up on finding a job all together. 

"We have so much opportunity in Saskatchewan, there's no excuse for Scott Moe and the Sask Party’s abysmal job creation record."


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